rainbow moonstone
Metaphysical Monday
Rainbow Moonstone - Water Element, Crown Chakra, Heart, Clarity & Empathy Toward Others
Do you feel drawn to the moon? Does the new moon fill you with joy and excitement for what may come? Are you impacted by the resilient light waves and chaos energy from the full moon?
One of my favorite stones is Rainbow Moonstone. This feldspar, cousin to labradorite, embodies the essence of penetrating light from our beloved Luna and encapsulates it in a gorgeous mineral body. Flashes of blue and schiller abound, which happens when the light falls between the layers of stone and scatters that light in different directions. Known as adularescence, this phenomenon is named after 'adularia', the historical name once used for moonstone.
The Romans believed moonstones to be a solidified form of the moon’s rays. Moonstone has been used in jewelry for centuries and is associated with the crown chakra because it is seen as a proponent of new beginnings, clarity, and empathy toward others. Meditate with this stone to help align your chakras and find joy in your life and help to bring about inner peace.
A visionary stone, it helps one to see things more clearly, bringing harmony and balance while enhancing creativity.
Use this stone to avoid being stuck with tunnel vision, as a reminder that there are other possibilities for our lives and situations.
Moonstone is also purported to protect travelers against accidents and other mishaps. Also, as it is associated with the moon, it can also help with the pain of menstrual cycles and water retention. Harmonize with softer energy and empower the Divine Feminine within you.