Metaphysical Monday
Rhodonite - A stone of Discovering & Developing Hidden Talents, Compassion, Love, Generosity & Altruism
With the difficulties of the last two years, we bring Rhodonite to you as our New Year’s Contemplation for the first Metaphysical Monday of 2022.
The deep rosy hues of Rhodonite contribute to its name, derived from Greek, meaning “rose-red.” Both the pink and the black streaks are made up of manganese (metasilicate or oxide, respectively) and can be found in Russia, Sweden, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the USA (Simmons & Ashian).
Not dissimilar from its namesake, the rose, Rhodonite is a love energy stone: love for one’s gifts, for one’s community, and for one’s life purpose. If you have questions about where your talents lie or where they might be best utilized, Rhodonite is a great assistant in that discovery process.
Seeking one’s self-worth can be an arduous path, often riddled with challenging confusion and obstacles presented by society-at-large. Keep your Rhodonite near your body, closest to organs and glands to promote the movement of chi. Be compassionate with yourself, this year, and practice self-care when you are feeling confused, overwhelmed, or lost. Your best gifts are given when you have given those gifts to yourself, as well.
Wishing everyone a New Year of Self-Discovery, bringing you opportunities to contribute to your relationships and the greater community with all your skills and talents!
Rhodonite is a Fire & Earth element with Heart & Root Chakra focuses.